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You are viewing Cheat Codes for NHL 2K6 System : Xbox 360 Date Added : 2005-12-19 15:09:09 Views : 22083 Cheat mode: Select "Manage Profiles" at the options menu. Choose to create a new profile, then enter "Turco813" as a case-sensitive name and press start. Easy goals: To score easily, when the view is pointing down take a slap shot in your opponent's side of the ice. Try to go from one side of the rink (by your opponent's net) and go across as fast and as close as possible without letting the goalie hit your puck away. You do not need to do a power shot; just tap Shoot quickly. Better team in Franchise Mode When playing in Franchise mode with any team, go to 'Front Office', select 'Rosters', and choose a player that is labeled as 'Dressed'. Press A when you get to that player, then go down and choose 'Edit Player'. Once in the 'Edit Player' screen, press L and go to 'Attributes'. Then, give the player a 99 for every skill. This will bring his overall up to a 99. Do this for at least nine or ten players and both goalies. When finished, save the roster, and turn off injuries. By doing this, you will make your team very good and guarantee a high seed in the playoffs. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more NHL 2K6 cheat codes.
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